Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterns Day

This year Aaron decided to come to work with me so we could go watch the parade. It was very emotional for me. I am proud that I live in the United States of America. I am proud that we are FREE. The parade lasted 2 hours. Aaron asked me why I had tears coming down my face. I told him that because of these great men and women that we can continue to live FREE.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings. That is something that is easily said and sometimes hard to do. I have been in an organized funk for several months now. As most of you know, we started a small home fix it problem that turned into totally rebuilding half of my house. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully we are in the end stages of this fix it yourself project. I am so ready to get my house back in order so that I can get ready for the holidays. We have had lots of wonderful help on this project. So thanks are in order:
Darry (bonus-dad) is our contractor.
Pat lots of hard labor even when he was exhausted.
Mom for helping me with kids and food.
Dad for the loan.
Alana & Josh for paint and ceiling fans.
Mike for tile work.
David Turner, Gruder, Mike Huff, Joey Hill, Steve Hambright, Mr. Sapp, Chad Fikes, John Hodgens, Mike Forbes, Matt Hill for coming over and doing more work in 2 nights than we could have done in 2 months.
Mike Forbes for cooking dinner
Jenna Manners for painting
Ashley Hodgens for babysitting
Granny for the use of your travel trailer
Anthony Smith for helping pull up floors
Mr. Smith for doing our yard work while Pat was busy with the house.
I hope that I am not leaving anyone out.

You see I have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes it is easy to get wrapped up in things like this. But we are so fortunate that we have 3 healthy children. Both of us have good jobs. We have a nice house and cars. We have food on our table. We have a wonderful church family. AND We have a Great and Mighty God who watches over us.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Halloween updates

The weekend before Halloween we went to a Halloween Party at David and Shannon Turner's house. It was a lot of fun.