Monday, September 14, 2009

A House Divided

Poor Anna Kate, everyone argues over whether or not she will pull for the Crimson Tide or Auburn. So until she is old enough to make her own decision, She will just have to wear both. She loves wearing her tutu that Shannon Turner made, although she just couldn't quite figure out what do to with her hands.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Get Ready to Roll.........................

My family and I have been counting the days to the start of the college football season for months now. Tomorrow is the day. The day the 2009 Alabama Crimson Tide will take the field for the first time this year. This is not a gimme game, right out of the gate, we are playing a top 10 team. The excitement is mounting. It is time to get out the flags, hats and whatever else that you wear that lets others now that you are pulling for the TIDE. I have really been trying to teach Anna Kate to say Roll Tide, but she won't. I will have her saying it by the time the year is over. Will this be the year.....will we win another SEC championship? Will we win another National Championship? I hope so!!