Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Save Sumatanga

I saw the most disturbing headline in yesterday's Birmingham News. IT broke my heart and had my eyes welling up with tears. Camp Sumatanga is in trouble. I spent many weeks here as a child and teenager every summer. It is my happy place. We used to say that "God loves the World and Sumatanga is where He kissed it." I am not sure how at this point to get involved in the Fund Raising, but that is my mission today. I can not let this camp be shut down and others not get to enjoy it. Please Pray for Sumatanga.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thank You

Sunday is Father's day and I want to take this opportunity to tell Pat thanks.

Thanks For:
Being a good dad to Tyler and Anna Kate
Being a good step-dad to Aaron
Being a good provider
Working so hard to make our house beautiful
For taking our family to church
For cutting Granny's grass
Making me smile
Being my Boaz

Happy Father's Day!!!!!!