Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend of Savings

I had a great weekend of coupon shopping. I saved $85.25 and spent $63.93. And I still have a 5RR left. WHoo Hoo I will post pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Want to rent a FREE movie

Pat and I have just recently discovered Red Box Movie Rentals. My sister told me a while back that I should try them and I just never did. I have found a way to get a FREE movie rental for one night. Go to and click on get a FREE movie. They will ask for your email address and will send you a code for a FREE movie rental. TRY IT!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back on the Saddle Again

I am trying to get back in the saving money mode. I have been very neglectful since about September and my cupboards are bare. So, I am getting out my scissors and my binder and I am cutting coupons tonight.

** Last night I went to walmart and got a free movie rental from Red Box. It was not great, I rented Step Brothers. It was very crude and we didn't even finish it.

I did get some Free Oreida Steam and Mash Potatoes last night a $3.79 Value. Whooo Hooo I am headed back on the right track.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Anna Kate

Anna kate is one today. Where has this year gone. It has been so fast.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


After a two month break from my coupon shopping it is time to get back into it full force. I am tired of wasting money when I can get things for FREE!! I will be back with all my saving results.